Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

script and step outline



Glass slippers, a word of hope, dreams of million girls.

We love it’s pure, we loves it’s innocent.

But how many of us know. Slippers of Cinderella, was once made of vair— squirrel skin, under the pen of Charles Perrault, original author of Cinderella.


Cinderella is an elegant, beautiful, young lady.

Like most of the beautiful girls, she loves animals.

Opps, maybe more than just LOVES the animals.


This is how a busy day get started.

Cinderella sweep the floor,

Cinderella clean the table,

Cinderella brush the windows.


Out of all these heavy housework.

Our beautiful young lady love the time folding clothes.

Especially her step mother’s clothes.


And of course, the time being with her only friend---Blanco


Then one day, a mail from the castle changed everything.


Oh…. Now here comes her chance.


Wow. What a beautiful dress.

But Cinderella thinks something’s missing.

Step outline:

1. Branco wake Cinderella up from bed. (WS)

2. Cinderella played with branco. Singing songs to Branco. (MS)

3. Cinderella stroke tail of Branco,

4. face change (CU)


5. Bell rang,

6. face change (MS)


7. Cinderella walked down stairs. (CU)

8. Cinderella doing housework (fast forward) (WS)

9. Cinderella folding clothes—step mother’s fur coat; stroke gently(MS)

10. Face change(CU)


11. Cinderella looking herself with Branco on her neck in the mirror.(MS)

12. Face change.(CU)


13. Mail arrive(bell rang).(MS)

14. Face change(CU)


15. Cinderella rush to room (MSàWS)

16. Cinderella took out another “body” from closet (WS)

17. Cinderella stared at the body for a while and take off her head.(MS)

18. Cinderella’s head on new body and looking herself in mirror. Branco dance around her(MS)

19. Face change(MS)


20. Cinderella grab the scissors beside the mirror.(CU)

21. Face change (CU)


22. Reflection in mirror shake vigorously(CU)

23. Door bell rang, mirror stop shaking(CU)

24. Car arrive beside the house(WS)

25. Face change(WS)


26. Foot step on the ground(with vair slippers)(CU)

27. Darkness

28. End



zinc toys

facial expression

reference of movement

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

An official website of NAQOYQATSI film house

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What to say.....

No matter under what reason, I don't see this kind of anti-"anti animal abuse organization" activity do any help to the animals.
What is life?
What is morality?
To let the organization live or let the animals live?
It's really hard to choose..........

Why don't people try to do more and help, instead using this sadness choice as a weapon to fight with?

this is a war between fur lovers and anti fur patrons......
animals are nothing but victims.....

『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
根本唔會有呢d figure出現
『Mz TuRki』 says:
呢d no. of kills係所有人都有份
『Mz TuRki』 says:
包括e家用呢d facts攻擊佢既人
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『 M r G 』 says:

『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『 M r G 』 says:
佢地做緊既係, "屌, 你救撚左佢番水9咪又係要殺佢, 咪撚扮聖人, 留番比我地用啦"....咁既意思
『Mz TuRki』 says:

『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 says:
『Mz TuRki』 浩 says:
咩用呢d point去攻擊人

A report of China Fur farm industry.

The blog of PETA with the latest news and activities they're doing

A site allow people create petition for specific topic, so I will probably use this site to create a petition and promote it in my animation.

Another PETA Campaign against animal tests.
This site contains an online petition about telling Mars to drop animal tests. Also, they included a "thermometer" on this site in order to tell people that we need to do more by telling others.
This piece of reference could help because I'm planning to include a scene of promoting an online petition Campaign at the end of the animation.

Will you buy Mars products again after watching this?

Learn more at
What do you think if your own pet be treated like this?

Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.

karakul lamb fur

Do you know what is karakul lamb fur?

Fur of newborn, fetal karakul lambs.

"Because their unique, highly prized curly fur begins to unwind and straighten within three days of birth, many karakul lambs are slaughtered when they are only 1 or 2 days old."

The lamb mother's throat will be slitted and her stomach will be slashed open in order to let slaughters take out the fetal lamb.

  • Price of a “broadtail” fetus coats: $25,000USD
  • As many as 4 million karakul lambs are slaughtered for their fur every year.

What can you do about karakul lamb fur?
  • Don’t buy or wear ANY fur.
  • If you see karakul lamb fur for sale, write to the store owners or managers, let them know where it comes from, and urge them to pull it from the shelves.
  • If you read an article about karakul lamb fur in a newspaper or magazine, write a letter to the editor.

Will this fact turn any fur lovers' head back?
It definitely costs much more than $25,000USD for this bloody, heartless coat.

An Australia organization which promotes adopting animals.
As a animal right organization, they used a funny way to promote the "pet owners are more charm" idea-psycho test like survey, where they hint that "what kind of people pet what kind of dog" in the questions.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

how can 3D animation be real life? Add small stuffs to enhance the reality. Minor changes can make the work much better.

a very cool site for reference in terms of the character design and the rigging skill, also the site allow people to download free models for educational purpose
Another reference of how other artists due with low resolution hair
-->using textured nurbs
Actually I'm thinking this kind of visual style is pretty cool and outstanding to do a 3D animation